President’s Message
On 28 August I addressed the West Coast Masters Cycling Club members at Chidlow to provide a response to the lingering issue surrounding alignment with AusCycling.
In that address I covered the Committee’s lengthy and detailed assessment of the proposal, and emphasised that a move in that direction demanded serious consideration as a poor decision could have club-ending consequences. I addressed the consultation process we had with the Australia Veteran Cycling Council (AVCC), the WA AusCycling representative and club members whereby it became clear that it would not be in the best interests of the majority of the members, or the financial, administrative or operational benefit to the club to align with AusCyling.
I would like to personally thank the Committee for their patient, unbiased and professional input to the process and to Mr Matt Poyner (Operational Manager AusCycling WA) for his friendly, cooperative and understanding approach throughout.
I also wish to thank the President of the AVCC Mr Dougal Torrance and the Treasurer of the AVCC Mrs Cheryl Hutchins for their guidance and expertise which immeasurably assisted the Committee throughout this process.
Nick Vroomans